Monday, August 7, 2017

Sight-reading teaching materials

As I previously wrote about the importance of students' reading skills in the "Notes Reading" blog, here are couple more sight-reading materials that enhance students' reading ability effectively. 😄

Four Star sight reading series
*Suitable for students at all ages* 
Although it is designed for RCM curriculum sight-reading and ear training requirements, you will find how progressive and resourceful this series is. You can use it to help with improving sight-reading techniques regardless if you want to participate the program or not.

It has 12 levels, prep A, B, and 1-10, starting with level A which provides concept and exercises of playing step/skip within five finger position, and the reading examples are played hands separately in a simple rhythm. Each exercise comes with learning tips and rhythmic clapping. Plus their online APP for students to drill ear training is super convenient! 

EnovativePiano*Suitable for students at high school and above, perfect for both classroom and private settings* This is a multimedia website. Each sight reading materials corresponds to the lesson topics, for example, Triads. It also includes harmonic readings to reinforce the concept of intervals. The exercises are progressive but the level of difficulties in some exercises are more challenging since it is designed for university music major students to complete their piano proficiency requirements. In addition to sight reading, the website is a comprehensive piano curriculum that contains repertoire, technique, theory, improvisation and more with video demonstration. It is favored by many of my adult students. All the materials on this website are printable which add convenience during practicing (you don't need to drag the screen up and down when playing a longer piece.) 

PianoMastero: *Fun for younger students* It provides a variety of methods books and repertoire that can be used for sight-reading purposes. You can choose to play the piece with or without the accompaniments. If the piece is more challenging, I usually let the students "preview" the score before playing. More review about this app can be found on my Music App page.